
Dead Like Me

calendar icon 6/27/2003

When her life comes to an abrupt end, George discovers that death is nothing like she thought it would be. Recruited to collect the souls of others as they die, she suddenly finds herself an unwilling participant in a line of work she never knew existed: Grim Reaping!


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Dead Like Me drinking game.

by Reoddai

Reoddai's AI Generated Drinking Game for Dead Like Me.

views 3
  • Take a shot when George makes a sarcastic remark
  • Drink twice when Rube gives a philosophical speech
  • Drink twice when Mason is seen smoking or using drugs
  • Drink once when Daisy flirts with someone
  • Drink once when Roxy gets angry
  • Drink twice when George has a flashback to her life before death
  • Take a shot when A new reaper is introduced
  • Take a shot when George struggles with her family or mortality