

calendar icon 11/20/2008

When Bella Swan moves to a small town in the Pacific Northwest, she falls in love with Edward Cullen, a mysterious classmate who reveals himself to be a 108-year-old vampire. Despite Edward's repeated cautions, Bella can't stay away from him, a fatal move that endangers her own life.


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Twilight Drinking Game-Get so drunk you think you're a vampire

by boobaby

views 166
  • Drink once when Alice Cullen has a vision
  • Drink once when Edward sucks the venom out of Bella's wrist
  • Drink once when Edward plays piano for Bella
  • Drink once when Edward saves Bella from getting hit by a truck
  • Drink once when a vampire kills a human
  • Drink once when Bella and the Cullen family play baseball
  • Drink once when Bella talks to her mom on the phone
  • Drink once when Bella meets Edward Cullen's family
  • Drink once when Bella figures out what Edward is
  • Drink once when Jessica is acting jealous of Bella
  • Drink once when Jacob relays a message to Bella at the prom
  • Drink once when Edward formally meets Charlie
  • Drink once when Bella and Edward have their first kiss
  • Drink once when Edward covers his mouth when he sees Bella for the first time
  • Drink once when Bella lies to Charlie
  • Drink once when Bella and Edward go to prom
  • Drink once when Edward watches Bella sleep
  • Drink once when a guy hits on Bella
  • Drink once when Edward tells Bella his mind-reading secret
  • Drink once when Jacob tells Bella the story about the treaty his Quileute ancestors made with the Cullens "the pale faces"