
The Lizzie McGuire Movie

calendar icon 5/2/2003

Lizzie McGuire has graduated from middle school and takes a trip to Rome, Italy with her class. And what was supposed to be only a normal trip, becomes a teenager's dream come true.


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The Lizzie McGuire Movie drinking game.

by Hannah1232

Hannah1232's AI Generated Drinking Game for The Lizzie McGuire Movie.

views 54
  • Drink twice when Lizzie messes up
  • Take a shot when Gordo has a crush on Lizzie
  • Drink once when Miranda makes fun of Lizzie
  • Drink twice when Lizzie gets lost
  • Take a shot when Lizzie needs help from her parents or friends The Lizzie McGuire Movie Drinking Game: 1) Drink when Lizzie messes up. 2) Drink when Gordo has a crush on Lizzie. 3) Drink when Miranda makes fun of Lizzie. 4) Drink when Lizzie gets lost. 5) Drink when Lizzie needs help from her parents or friends