
My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic

calendar icon 10/10/2010

"Get your muzzle out of those books and make some friends!" That's what Princess Celestia tells Twilight Sparkle. She may be the smartest unicorn in Equestria, but Twilight Sparkle gets an "incomplete" in friendship. There's more to life than learning magic, after all -- so she goes to Ponyville on a mission to make friends. There she meets five special ponies who take her on exciting adventures and teach her the most powerful magic of all ... the magic of friendship!


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My Little Pony

by julesskii

views 20
  • take a shot when someone starts singing
  • take a sip when pinkie pie does something annoying
  • take a shot when one of the mane 6 represent their element
  • finish your drink when the elements of harmony are used