
Guardians of the Galaxy

calendar icon 7/30/2014

Light years from Earth, 26 years after being abducted, Peter Quill finds himself the prime target of a manhunt after discovering an orb wanted by Ronan the Accuser.


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Guardians of the Galaxy drinking game.

by Shannonjx

Shannonjx's AI Generated Drinking Game for Guardians of the Galaxy.

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  • Drink once when Peter Quill uses his celestial powers
  • Take a shot when Someone dies
  • Take a shot when Peter Quill dances 1. Drink when Peter Quill uses his celestial powers. 2. Drink when someone dies. 3. Drink when Peter Quill dances.
  • drink once when groot says i am groot
  • drink once when when rocket insults groot
  • drink once when drax doesn't understand sarcasm
  • take a shot when when Quill calls himself starlord
  • drink once when when Yondu whistles
  • drink once when when Quill mentions his mam